Monday, November 17, 2008

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Posted by Tim

Saturday I went to a meeting and decided to go on a hike afterwards.  I have been feeling pretty out of shape lately and a flight of stairs from one block to the next puts me into heavy breathing mode.  Not good.  I started hiking up the top of town towards the mountain.  I ran into a few people I knew and followed them up to a popular mountain bike trail.  It was perfect and exactly what I was looking for that day.  I had the cheap camera so I just took some snapshots to get the effect.  I saw a few houses before leaving town that I liked.  This one was for sale for I believe $1.2 mil.




I liked this little house better and think the quaintness of the house would suit me just fine!  I don't think I could live here full time but it's fun to play around either way.




The hike went up a mountain bike and hiking trail.  We trudged through a decent amount of snow but most of it from last weeks storm is long ago melted.  Still nice.








The rest of the day I ate some bad food; Wendy's .99 menu and a pint of Haagen Daz Coffee Ice Cream.  Body for Life!  Oh well, I haven't been eating so bad lately.


I woke up Sunday and it was a gorgeous day and near perfect.  I got in my car to go take off and make the most of the day and it wouldn't start.  I turned it over and over repeatedly and nothing.  I even jumped it with my roommates car and it would not start.  Luckily I have roadside assistance on my insurance and got it towed this morning to a mechanic I was referred to.


Today was my first day at work.  We had new employee orientation all day and it was pretty cool.  The mission of the organization is solid and I like working there and look forward to being busy and productive.  I left about 8:15 to grab the bus at the end of the block.  After getting on and traveling to a few stops I began to feel like I was in junior high school again as new people would get on the bus and I can remember back then thinking who else was on my bus.  Pretty wild. 


After work I took the bus to the gym in town and worked out legs.  It was a pretty nice gym and I liked the energy.  I then left and made my hour and a half long commute back home. 


It's all an adventure now so I don't mind.  Each day is new and I won't be here at this job forever so I just intend to do my best and make the most of the opportunity.  It's pretty wild how I wound up here and I think it is all for a bigger plan than I even know at this time.  Things just seemed to flow so easily in getting the job, finding a place to live, and life certainly is easy here.  I think it would be cool to make another film in the future and I think I have a lot of books, experience, thoughts, introspection, conversations, meetings, etc. to fuel an interesting creative effort.  I just need to let the idea germinate and have the willingness to express it all.  We'll see.


The time seems to go by so slowly here.  I am writing this at 9:30 and it seriously feels like 11:30.  I guess that is good.  I've rambled long enough.  More to come.