The last 2 days have gone by very slowly. I hit a meeting at noon each day and then proceeded to try and find something to do. Since I've shopped everywhere there is to shop I basically decided to cut my losses and just chill at the house. Surfing the net, taking a nap, and reading some. I did watch No Country for Old Men last night and thought it was great. So well shot and done. Actors were great and definite weird ending. The clouds rolled in last night before the rains today so I snapped some cool shots.
I'm not sure if the pictures look dark on your monitor but that is always the difficult part.
I met a guy today that is going to be working with me next week. I'm really excited about starting work next week and excited to have a solid 3 months of work. It has been a long while and I am really set on keeping a great attitude and doing my best. We'll see. My boss is supposedly very nice so that is going to be really cool.
Tomorrow I'm going to get a ski pass for the winter so I can ski whenever I want. This will give me something to do on the weekends and holidays since I don't think I'll be going home this year. The pass is half off through work and it will be awesome to go and basically ski for free from here on out as I have the equipment and the pass.
More shots of the mountain I can't get tired of looking at:
Just a shot of downtown. Pretty small downtown but this gives a little feel. Just snapped it from the parking garage.
I have started to bond with the landlord's dogs. She was gone for 3 days this week so I hung around the dogs during the day by myself. The little cocker is so cute and she has bonded with me. It's nice to have the benefit of a dog without having to own one!
That is about it for now. Overall I've been feeling cooped up and trapped here without anything to really do. I'm glad that will be ending soon with work and then I can get into a routine. Tomorrow I am going to take the bus for a trial run into town and see how long it takes to get there. Free bus during the week will be nice and will cut back on gas and trying to drive in the snow and ice. I'm out.
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